Full moon - Letting Go “The sun sees your body, the moon sees your soul.” Rumi

Early this morning was the Pink Full Moon - so named after the pink wildflower creeping phlox that blooms this time of year. The first full moon of spring, and the time of the month when the earth, moon and sun are in alignment. A time when energy peaks and releases, called by some a Cosmic Sigh. This is why many people use the full moon as a time to let go of something in their life, tying up loose ends, clearing the way for things to come. This week we'll be flowing through our practice using the energy of nature through breath, movement and mantra to release what no longer serves us.


Alignment “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi


Watering “Just as the water reflects the stars and the moon, the body reflects the mind and the soul.” Rumi