Alignment “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi

When people talk about "alignment" it can often be a bit vague- what does that actually mean? For me this week's quote sums it up nicely. Being in flow and living your soul's purpose will light up your energy. You feel a kind ease with your breath and your body. There are so many clues in your physicality- so next time your mind isn't sure, check in with how your body and breath are responding. We'll flow through this week's class, observing which postures make you feel at ease and joyful, and which are a little trickier for your body. This is key to developing your yoga practice, to be able to then adjust accordingly. A wonderful practice for every day life too!


Open Sesame “O, Great Spirit, open my eyes, open my heart’s wings, open my ears to your voice in all things.” Rumi


Full moon - Letting Go “The sun sees your body, the moon sees your soul.” Rumi